(U.S. Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program)


What Is U.S. GO-SHIP?

US GO-SHIP is part of the international GO-SHIP network of sustained hydrographic sections, supporting:
  • Physical oceanography
  • The carbon cycle
  • Marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
  • Global ocean/climate observing system
The US program is sponsored by US CLIVAR and OCB.
Funded by the National Science Foundation and NOAA.


Upcoming Cruises   

2025: I09N is planned for early 2025 (Thompson), NOAA A16S delayed until late 2025 (Ronald Brown)
2026: P04E March/April (Revelle), still being considered P16N, P16S/C, ARC01, P06

For updated cruise plans see our planning table.

I09N along ~95°E

2025 reoccupation of the Indian Ocean I09N hydrographic section. After first filling a gap left by the 2024 I08S occupation (~33.5°- 30.5°S), I09N will extend northward along the 95°E meridian into the Bay of Bengal to 18°N. Stay tuned for the blog and weekly reports!

Austral Summer A16S along ~30°W

Delayed by NOAA ship's Ronald H. Brown's extended dry dock, expected Nov/Dec 2025. The line occupies stations from 6°N to 60°S in the South Atlantic. This will be the 3rd full occupation of this line. Stay tunes for the schedule, blog, and weekly reports.

U.S. GO-SHIP Monthly Webinar

On the third Tuesday every month at 11am PT / 2pm ET, tune in to hear from GO-SHIP PIs and participants about how data are used in a variety of projects.

Upcoming speakers:

March 18: Manuel Torres-Godoy (University of Concepción, Chile) "Variability of deep geostrophic currents in the southeast Pacific along the P06E transect" and Katelyn Schockman (University of Miami CIMAS / NOAA AOML) "Quality Control and Data Analysis of the Inorganic Carbon Parameters: Case Studies from 2023 A16N and 2024 A13.5"

April 15: Kathy Gunn (University of Southampton) "Continued Shrinkage of the Antarctic Bottom Water: Causes, Consequences, and Future Implications" and Shuwen Tan (University of Connecticut) "Decadal changes in stratification of the abyssal oceans and implications for hydraulic control of abyssal channel flow"

Contact us for the Zoom link or to suggest a speaker!

Submit Data & Reports

Submit CTD and bottle data and reports.

Download Data & Reports

Use the cruise map to access and download data and reports through CCHDO

When citing U.S. GO-SHIP data, include the following text in the acknowledgments: ‘Data were collected and made publicly available by the U.S. Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (U.S. GO-SHIP; https://usgoship.ucsd.edu/) and the programs that contribute to it.’

For more information, see "How to Cite GO-SHIP data"

Full publication list using US GO-SHIP data

Please send new or missing publications to Alison Macdonald with author(s), title, journal, year, and DOI.


Behind the scenes

Get a glimpse of what is like to be at sea with US GO-SHIP!