(U.S. Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program)
What Is U.S. GO-SHIP?
US GO-SHIP is part of the international GO-SHIP network of sustained hydrographic sections, supporting:
Physical oceanography
The carbon cycle
Marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
Global ocean/climate observing system
The US program is sponsored by US CLIVAR and OCB.
Funded by the National Science Foundation and NOAA.
News & Job Postings
I09N Is Underway, Read the Blog and Weekly Reports
March 21, 2025SIO Hiring Research Scientist (Ongoing)
January 28, 2025Transient Tracer Sea-going Scientist at U. W. (CLOSED, Deadline 2/12/25)
January 20, 2025Irish Marine Institute seeking Marine Biogeochemist (CLOSED, deadline 01/13/25)
January 8, 2025Upcoming Cruises
2025: I09N is planned for early 2025 (Thompson), NOAA A16S delayed until late 2025 (Ronald Brown)
2026: P04E March/April (Revelle), still being considered P16N, P16S/C, ARC01, P06

I09N along ~95°E
2025 reoccupation of the Indian Ocean I09N hydrographic section on the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. I09N runs along the 95°E meridian into the Bay of Bengal to 18°N. Check out the blog and weekly reports!

Austral Summer A16S along ~30°W
Delayed by NOAA ship's Ronald H. Brown's extended dry dock, expected Nov/Dec 2025. The line occupies stations from 6°N to 60°S in the South Atlantic. This will be the 3rd full occupation of this line. Stay tuned for the schedule, blog, and weekly reports.
U.S. GO-SHIP Monthly Webinar
On the third Tuesday every month at 11am PT / 2pm ET, tune in to hear from GO-SHIP PIs and participants about how data are used in a variety of projects.
Upcoming speakers:
April 15: Kathy Gunn (University of Southampton) "Continued Shrinkage of the Antarctic Bottom Water: Causes, Consequences, and Future Implications" and Speaker #2 TBD
May 20: Viviane Menezes (WHOI) and Leah Chomiak (UM CIMAS) report on I09N cruise
Contact us for the Zoom link or to suggest a speaker!
When citing U.S. GO-SHIP data, include the following text in the acknowledgments: ‘Data were collected and made publicly available by the U.S. Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (U.S. GO-SHIP; https://usgoship.ucsd.edu/) and the programs that contribute to it.’
For more information, see "How to Cite GO-SHIP data"