(U.S. Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program)


What Is U.S. GO-SHIP?

US GO-SHIP is part of the international GO-SHIP network of sustained hydrographic sections, supporting:
  • Physical oceanography
  • The carbon cycle
  • Marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems
  • Global ocean/climate observing system
The US program is sponsored by US CLIVAR and OCB.
Funded by the National Science Foundation and NOAA.


U.S. GO-SHIP Monthly Webinar

On the third Tuesday every month at 11am PT / 2pm ET, tune in to hear from GO-SHIP PIs and participants about how data are used in a variety of projects.

Upcoming speakers:

October 15: Annie Bourbonnais (University of South Carolina) "Nitrous oxide cycling in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean: insights from stable isotopes and isotopomers" and Laura Cimoli (University of Cambridge) "Deep ocean transport and decadal variability inferred from CFCs and SF6 observation"

November 19: Wei-Jun Cai (University of Delaware) and Greg Johnson (NOAA)

Contact us for the Zoom link or to suggest a speaker!

Upcoming Cruises   

2024: NOAA A16S (late Dec. to early Feb. 2025).
2025: I09N is planned for early 2025 (Thompson). P04E is likely in late 2025 / early 2026.

For updated cruise plans see our planning table.

Austral Summer A16S along ~30°W

Leaving from Brazil in fall 2024, the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown will extend the A16N completed early this year occupying stations from 6°N to 60°S in the South Atlantic. This will be the 3rd full occupation of this line.  Stay tuned for the blog and weekly reports!

I09N along ~95°E

2025 reoccupation of the Indian Ocean I09N hydrographic section. After first filling a gap left by the 2024 I08S occupation (~33.5°- 30.5°S), I09N will extend northward along the 95°E meridian into the Bay of Bengal to 18°N. Stay tuned for the blog and weekly reports!

Submit Data & Reports

Submit CTD and bottle data and reports.

Download Data & Reports

Use the cruise map to access and download data and reports through CCHDO

Full publication list using US GO-SHIP data

Please send new or missing publications to Alison Macdonald with author(s), title, journal, year, and DOI.


Behind the scenes

Get a glimpse of what is like to be at sea with US GO-SHIP!