
Full GO-SHIP Bibliography: Zotero Group Library and Google Scholar Repository.

Please send new or missing publications to Alison Macdonald with author(s), title, journal, year, and DOI.

When citing U.S. GO-SHIP data, include the following text in the acknowledgments: ‘Data were collected and made publicly available by the U.S. Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (U.S. GO-SHIP; and the programs that contribute to it.’

For more information, see "How to Cite GO-SHIP data"

A Bio GO-SHIP Publication

Larkin et al., 2023. High spatial resolution global ocean metagenomes from Bio-GO-SHIP repeat hydrography transects

A publication using U.S. GO-SHIP observations

Bourbonnais, A., B.X. Chang, R.E. Sonnerup, S.C. Doney, and M.A. Altabet, 2023: Marine N2O cycling from high spatial resolution concentration, stable isotopic and isotopomer measurements along a meridional transect in the eastern Pacific Ocean, Front. Mar. Sci., 10, 1137064

A publication for younger readers

Talley, L.D., 2021. Global ocean climate change: observing from ships. Frontiers for Young Minds 9:495240. doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.495240

A publication using U.S. GO-SHIP observations

Tan, S., & Thurnherr, A. M. (2023). On the global decrease in the deep and abyssal density stratification along the spreading pathways of Antarctic Bottom Water since the 1990s. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102422.