I06S Cruise Report 2

irossoCruise Report, I06S, news

Read the second cruise report from I06S. The crew continues to collect data and deploy autonomous sensors despite weather and time constraints. See some illustrative images of the voyage inside. Blog site

I06S Cruise Report 1

irossoCruise Report, I06S, news

Read the first weekly cruise report from I06S. Engine trouble sent the crew back to port, but thankfully the cruise is now underway! Read on to learn how it played out. Blog site

I07N Cruise Report Week 3

sioword-multiCruise Report, I07N, news

Read the cruise report from I07N for week 3. Does the crew receive clearance to enter the Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), and are they able to recover the mooring which lost communication 5 years ago? Find out! Cruise Report Week #3 Blog site

I07N Cruise Report Week 2

sioword-multiCruise Report, I07N, news

Read the cruise report from I07N for week 2. After some suspense, the cruise continues on its path and the preliminary data and are coming in. Cruise Report Week #2 Blog site

S04P Cruise Report Week 7

sioword-multiCruise Report, news, S04P

Read the seventh weekly cruise report from S04P. With almost 100 stations completed, the science party finds unexpected results in the data. Cruise Report Week #7 Blog site