When citing U.S. GO-SHIP data, include the following text in the acknowledgments: ‘Data were collected and made publicly available by the U.S. Global Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (U.S. GO-SHIP; https://usgoship.ucsd.edu/) and the programs that contribute to it.’
For more information, see "How to Cite GO-SHIP data"

GO-SHIP Easy Ocean
Katsumata et al. (2022) present GO-SHIP Easy Ocean, a climate quality gridded synthesis of the land-to-land surface-bottom hydrographic observations from International GO-SHIP repeat occupations. It is intended to be simple to navigate and to have a multitude of uses such as numerical model validation, process study comparison, and decadal-scale quantification of ocean change.
The DOI for the GO-SHIP Easy Ocean dataset and a requested statement of acknowledgement can be found here.