US CLIVAR newsletter highlights Deep Ocean observations


Read our news article about the use of GO-SHIP hydrography for observing the deep ocean in the latest edition of US CLIVAR Variations. This edition of Variations highlights the existing state-of-the-art methods to measure the deep ocean, some of the scientific insights that have already been gained from these observations, and new methodologies and technologies to expand the network of …

P18 Cruise report #10

sioword-multiCruise Report

Greetings from the Brown. We are steaming towards Punta Arenas, making reasonable time (7-8 knots) in 12-15 seas with steady 20-25 knot Northwest winds. This report comes one day early, as little bird tells me I’ll be very busy over the next few days. We arrive Punta Arenas during the afternoon of Feb. 3rd. Friday night in Punta Arenas.

P18 Cruise report #9

sioword-multiCruise Report

We continue to operate on the aft winch with very few problems with the wire or the CTD. We continue to have excellent, if cold, weather. We have continued, until very recently, to occupy stations at half-degree spacings.nThis report would end there if it weren’t for some deception and sandbagging that warrant attention. Also, we reached the end of the …

P18 Cruise report #8

sioword-multiCruise Report

60°S! After we gloated about our good weather fortunes last week, King Neptune returned the favor with a weekend blow: 25-30 Knot South winds, seas 10-15 ft were our new normal during the 14-16th. Although our transits were slowed, sometimes drastically, we continued operations. Since the 17th, however, we’ve been riding the Western side of a low (< 1000 mb) …

Sail With Us on P06!

sioword-multiLetter to students

Letter to Students Greetings, We are looking for students to participate in hydrographic long-line cruises (1-2 months) this coming summer (2017) in the South Pacific on the RVIB N.B. Palmer of the US Antarctic Program (USAP). The US GO-SHIP program (formerly US Repeat Hydrography) collects data for global CO2 and climate variability programs. The website is Deadline for applications …

P18 Cruise report #7

sioword-multiCruise Report

Two weeks into Leg 2 of GO-SHIP P18 2016/17, we’re at 47° 30’S, and the weather is NICE! Sun rises at 6:20, and sets at 9:45. Not that we haven’t seen some weather. We had a 48 hour blow (25-30 kts) over the 8th and 9th that tested our deploy / recover skills on the forward winch.

P18 Cruise report #6

sioword-multiCruise Report

Prepared by Rolf Sonnerup We are now one week into Leg 2 of GO-SHIP P18 2016/17. About half of the scientific staff have changed hands. Sarah Purkey and I thank Brendan Carter and Annie Bourbonnais for remaining aboard to ease our transition, and in particular for leaving us with a crew of scientists in excellent spirits.nWeather must’ve been great. One …

P18 Cruise report #5

sioword-multiCruise Report

Prepared by Brendan Carter   A map of our section with the yellow arrow highlighting what we’ve done this week. The thin black line at ~54°S shows the section of the Chilean EEZ where we are approved to conduct research. Leg 1 came to an abrupt end one day early after an unexpected Chilean clearance problem.nAs noted in the previous …

P18 Cruise report #4 Onward!

sioword-multiCruise Report

Prepared by Brendan Carter A map of our section, with the yellow arrow highlighting what we’ve done this week. We’re on fire! (Figuratively, of course.)