For full position details and to apply, see the job posting. NEXT REVIEW IS March 7, 2025. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the University of California San Diego invites applications for a full-time Researcher in the Oceans and Atmosphere Section. We seek a motivated, broad-thinking scientist to develop a vigorous research group and provide intellectual leadership in their …
Transient Tracer Sea-going Scientist at U. W. (CLOSED, Deadline 2/12/25)
For more details and to apply, click here. DEADLINE TO APPLY IS February 12, 2025 The University of Washington is hiring a Research/Scientist Engineer 4: Transient Tracers Sea-going Scientist. This employee will be responsible for leading the transient tracer laboratory at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL). They will be expected to perform original research utilizing transient tracer observations, as …
Irish Marine Institute seeking Marine Biogeochemist (CLOSED, deadline 01/13/25)
Marine Institute Foras na Mara, the state agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland, is seeking to hire a Marine Biogeochemist. Please find further information here. Job applications accepted until 1200 (Irish time) on 13th Jan 2025.
U. Hawaii Currents Group is hiring (Closed, deadline 12/9/2024)
The Currents Group at the University of Hawaii serves the US oceanographic research community by providing software and advice for ocean current measurements, primarily using shipboard acoustic Doppler current profilers. We are looking for someone who enjoys working in Python on Open Source software, visualizing ocean current structures, contributing to the nation’s oceanographic research enterprise, and interacting with technicians …
Shipboard Training Fellowships available on JAMSTEC P04W (Closed, Deadline 11/1/2024)
2025 At-sea opportunity During 40 days between March and May 2025, the JAMSTEC GO-SHIP P04W expedition will traverse the western end of 10N line in the tropical northwest Pacific Ocean, observing a variety of Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs), including temperature, salinity, oxygen, major nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, and microbial communities. This expedition will contribute to the GO-SHIP observation network, which …
GO-SHIP I09N Student Cruise Opportunity (Closed, Deadline Nov 4, 2024)
2025 At-sea opportunity US GO-SHIP is looking for students to participate in the upcoming occupation of the meridional hydrographic line known as I09N aboard the University of Washington vessel R/V Thomas G. Thompson. The cruise is scheduled to depart in mid-March from Fremantle, Australia, and ~6 weeks later, arrive in Phuket, Thailand. There are 5 positions available. Please find more …
Job Opportunity for Chemist at ODF (Closed)
The Oceanographic Data Facility (ODF) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at UC San Diego is looking to hire a chemist. Please find more information about this opportunity and how to apply in the full advertisement here.
Seeking Chief Scientist for 2025 I09N (Closed, Deadline 9/1/24)
Greetings, We are seeking to fill the Chief Scientist position for the 2025 decadal re-occupation of the GO-SHIP ( and meridional line known as I09N – a hydrographic transect along ~95°E from ~34°S to 18°N in the Indian Ocean. For this Chief Scientist position, we are looking for scientists and/or technicians with experience in physical and/or biochemical oceanography (hydrography) …
US GO-SHIP monthly webinar series starts April 16
Our inaugural webinar is Tuesday, April 16 at 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern. Brendan Carter and Nicole Poulton will share their Ocean Sciences presentations with us via Zoom (link below), with time for audience Q&A. We hope you’ll join us! And save every third Tuesday for this ongoing series. Upcoming topics include information from the chief and co-chief scientists of the …
Congrats I08S team on a successful cruise! Read weekly reports, blog
February – April, 2024: The 4th occupation of US GO-SHIP I08S in the southeastern sector of the Southern Ocean is underway. The science party met the R/V Thomas Thompson docked in Fremantle, Australia where they loaded all their gear and began setting up the lab spaces and equipment. The R/V Thompson will steam south for approximately 10 days to the …
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