U.S. GO-SHIP A13.5 2024 Student Cruise Opportunity (closed)

Alison MacdonaldA13.5, Cruises, Opportunities, Opportunity Closed

2024 At-sea opportunity US GO-SHIP is looking for students and early career scientists/technicians to participate in a 2024 hydrographic expedition occupying the 0E meridional line in the South Atlantic Ocean aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The ship will depart from Praia, Cape Verde in mid to late January. After 51 days of at-sea hydrographic operations, it will arrive Cape …

US GO-SHIP 2024 A13.5 Co-Chief Scientist Opportunity (deadline 8/21/23)

Alison MacdonaldA13.5, Cruises, Opportunity Closed

Greetings, We are looking for scientists and or technicians with experience in physical or chemical oceanography (hydrography) who would be interested in participating as co-Chief Scientist on the decadal re-occupation of the U.S. GO-SHIP meridional hydrographic line known as A13.5 (0°E in the Atlantic Ocean). This expedition is ~2 months long (Praia, Cape Verde to Cape Town,  South Africa,  January …

UH Currents Group Seeking Technician

Alison MacdonaldOpportunity Closed

The Currents group at the University of Hawaii serves the US oceanographic research community by providing software and advice for ocean current measurements, primarily using shipboard acoustic Doppler current profilers. The new UHDAS Team member will become familiar with our operations, including supporting the UHDAS shipboard ADCP installations at sea, installing software to build up the computers used, post-processing UHDAS …

Seeking Chief Scientist for US GO-SHIP 2024 ARC01

Alison MacdonaldARC01, Cruises, news, Opportunities, Opportunity Closed

We are seeking a scientist with experience in physical and/or biogeochemical hydrography and in oceanographic expedition organization who would be interested in participating as Chief Scientist on the GO-SHIP (https://usgoship.ucsd.edu and http://www.go-ship.org)  occupation of ARC01 hydrographic section across the Arctic Ocean during the summer of 2024. Preferred candidates will have extensive previous experience with organizing and executing oceanographic field studies …

Weekly Reports from A16N

Alison MacdonaldA16N, Current, Weekly Report from Sea

Spring 2023: The 3rd complete occupation of US GO-SHIP A16N from 6.0S to 63.1N is underway. The science party met the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown docked in Suape Brazil at the beginning of March. Instrumentation was unpacked and set up in the onboard lab spaces where work will ensue for the next 4 weeks as Leg 1 crosses the …

A16N 2023 Blog

Alison MacdonaldA16N, Blog Site, Current

The 2023 reoccupation of A16N is underway. Check out our student blog here. The NOAA Ship Ron Brown awaiting departure from Suape Brazil prior to A16N/Leg 1 (Photo credit Melissa Miller).

Closed – I05 (32°S) Indian Ocean Student/Early Career Opportunity

Alison MacdonaldCruises, I05, Opportunities, Opportunity Closed

2023 At-sea opportunity US GO-SHIP is looking for students and early career scientists/technicians to participate in a summer 2023 hydrographic expedition occupying the 32S line in the Indian Ocean aboard the R/V Revelle. The ship will depart from Fremantle Australia in late July. After 55 days of at-sea hydrographic operations, it will arrive Cape Town South Africa in mid-September. There …