2024 At-sea opportunity US GO-SHIP is looking for students and early career scientists/technicians to participate in a 2024 hydrographic expedition; a re-occupation the 95E meridional line in the southeastern sector of the Southern Ocean aboard the R/V Thomas Thomspon. The ship will depart Fremantle, Australia in mid February. After 41 days of at-sea hydrographic operations, it will return to Fremantle …
Univ. of Hawaii Seeks Oceanographic Data Specialist (Deadline 9/22/23, closed)
The Currents group at the University of Hawaii has developed and maintains software (“UHDAS”, written in C and Python, running under Linux) that collects and runs preliminary processing on a 4-beam vessel-mounted Doppler sonar system. The goal is to provide near-realtime ocean currents to support science and operations during a research cruise. We configure computers to run this software for …
2024 U.S. GO-SHIP Post-Doctoral Fellowship (deadline 9/22/2023, closed)
Applications are now being accepted for U.S. GO-SHIP Post-doctoral Fellowship position beginning in 2024. This position is for two years. It includes a choice of GO-SHIP associated advisor & institution as well as the option of participating as the co-chief scientist on an upcoming U.S. GO-SHIP cruise. Deadline for applications is September 22 2023. Please see full advertisement for details …
Seeking Chief and Co-Chief Scientists for 2024 I08S (deadline 9/10/2023,closed)
Greetings, We are seeking to fill the both the Chief and co-Chief Scientist positions for the 2024 decadal re-occupation of the GO-SHIP (https://usgoship.ucsd.edu and http://www.go-ship.org) meridional line known as I08 – a hydrographic transect along ~90°E from ~66.5° to 28°S in the southeastern Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. For the Chief Scientist, we are looking for scientists and/or technicians …
Weekly Reports from I05 (updated 9/16/23)
Summer 2023: The 4th occupation of US GO-SHIP I05 along 32°S in the Indian Ocean is underway. The science party met the R/V Revelle docked in Fremantle, Australia in the middle of July. Instrumentation was unpacked and set up in the onboard lab spaces where work now ensues for the coming 8 weeks. The Revelle has set sail across the …
U.S. GO-SHIP A13.5 2024 Student Cruise Opportunity (closed)
2024 At-sea opportunity US GO-SHIP is looking for students and early career scientists/technicians to participate in a 2024 hydrographic expedition occupying the 0E meridional line in the South Atlantic Ocean aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The ship will depart from Praia, Cape Verde in mid to late January. After 51 days of at-sea hydrographic operations, it will arrive Cape …
US GO-SHIP 2024 A13.5 Co-Chief Scientist Opportunity (deadline 8/21/23)
Greetings, We are looking for scientists and or technicians with experience in physical or chemical oceanography (hydrography) who would be interested in participating as co-Chief Scientist on the decadal re-occupation of the U.S. GO-SHIP meridional hydrographic line known as A13.5 (0°E in the Atlantic Ocean). This expedition is ~2 months long (Praia, Cape Verde to Cape Town, South Africa, January …
UH Currents Group Seeking Technician
The Currents group at the University of Hawaii serves the US oceanographic research community by providing software and advice for ocean current measurements, primarily using shipboard acoustic Doppler current profilers. The new UHDAS Team member will become familiar with our operations, including supporting the UHDAS shipboard ADCP installations at sea, installing software to build up the computers used, post-processing UHDAS …
Seeking Chief Scientist for US GO-SHIP 2024 ARC01
We are seeking a scientist with experience in physical and/or biogeochemical hydrography and in oceanographic expedition organization who would be interested in participating as Chief Scientist on the GO-SHIP (https://usgoship.ucsd.edu and http://www.go-ship.org) occupation of ARC01 hydrographic section across the Arctic Ocean during the summer of 2024. Preferred candidates will have extensive previous experience with organizing and executing oceanographic field studies …
US GO-SHIP A16N Passes Atlantic Sargassum
The 2023 reoccupation of A16N has passed through and sampled the Atlantic Sargassum Belt. Check it out in the cruise blog here and in the media release here.