March – April, 2025: The 2025 reoccupation of the Indian Ocean I09N hydrographic section is underway. The ship departed from Fremantle, Australia and will cruise northward along the 95°E meridian into the Bay of Bengal to 18°N. Please find the clickable weekly reports below as they come in. You can also follow the expedition through our participant I09N GO-SHIP/GO-BGC cruise …
US GO-SHIP monthly webinar series starts April 16
Our inaugural webinar is Tuesday, April 16 at 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern. Brendan Carter and Nicole Poulton will share their Ocean Sciences presentations with us via Zoom (link below), with time for audience Q&A. We hope you’ll join us! And save every third Tuesday for this ongoing series. Upcoming topics include information from the chief and co-chief scientists of the …
Congrats A13.5 team on a successful cruise! Read weekly reports, blog
Congratulations to the A13.5 science team for a successful cruise! February – April, 2024: The occupation of US GO-SHIP A13.5 in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean is underway. The science party met the R/V Langseth docked in Cape Verde after loading most of their gear in Norfolk, Virginia in advance. The Langseth is heading south along the transect and hopes to …
Weekly Reports from I05 (updated 9/16/23)
Summer 2023: The 4th occupation of US GO-SHIP I05 along 32°S in the Indian Ocean is underway. The science party met the R/V Revelle docked in Fremantle, Australia in the middle of July. Instrumentation was unpacked and set up in the onboard lab spaces where work now ensues for the coming 8 weeks. The Revelle has set sail across the …
Seeking Chief Scientist for US GO-SHIP 2024 ARC01
We are seeking a scientist with experience in physical and/or biogeochemical hydrography and in oceanographic expedition organization who would be interested in participating as Chief Scientist on the GO-SHIP ( and occupation of ARC01 hydrographic section across the Arctic Ocean during the summer of 2024. Preferred candidates will have extensive previous experience with organizing and executing oceanographic field studies …
US GO-SHIP A16N Passes Atlantic Sargassum
The 2023 reoccupation of A16N has passed through and sampled the Atlantic Sargassum Belt. Check it out in the cruise blog here and in the media release here.
Ocean Sciences 2022 GO-SHIP Relevant Sessions and Presentations
At the 2022 Ocean Science Meeting there are variety of GO-SHIP relevant oral and poster presentations as well as a GO-SHIP specific session and a Bio GO-SHIP Town Hall. Please see the list here. And let us know if there are other relevant sessions that are not listed.
ODF Staff Research Associate position OPEN
To Apply: Submit to Job #111363 in (direct link: Filing Deadline: Wed 9/8/2021 DESCRIPTION Perform high precision quantitative analyses of oceanographic properties including: dissolved nutrients, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide parameters and salinity. Prepare equipment and chemicals for research expeditions. Set up, operate, maintain and repair instrumentation at sea and on shore. Assist with operation of autonomous sensors.Assist with …
GO-SHIP Marine Data Manager/Technician position OPEN
To Apply: Submit to Job #111201 in (direct link: Filing Deadline: Mon 8/30/2021 DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) brings together scientists with interests in physical oceanography, the carbon cycle, marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems, and other users and collectors of ocean interior data, and coordinates a network of globally sustained hydrographic sections as …
Postdoctoral researcher position at MBARI
The Coastal Biogeochemical Sensing and the Chemical Sensor group at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) are currently seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on a NSF funded project to improve the estimates of pCO2 from profiling pH sensors. Details of the position and instructions can be found here.